August 2, 2010 I took a stroll down memory lane along with a few of my siblings. Together we visited the resting place of my mom and dad, in the little village of Black’s Harbour, across from the little church that we had attended. A wonderful time was had by all, as we began to recall many beautiful memories about the conversion of our parents and older siblings. Arden led us to the spot where my mom and dad and eldest 2 brothers Vern and Willie were baptized in the Name Of Jesus!! While standing at the edge of the water, Arden conveyed to us a lovely story of how our dad was so fiercely against this so called Pentecostal experience. How he gave Rev. McElroy a very unwelcoming hard time every time he would call on our home. Mother was interested in learning more as was Willie, but daddy was not! Pastor McElroy was a persistent man and I am so glad he was. He never gave up on trying to win this family to God. Willie and mother had wanted to get baptized together , but daddy forbade mom from getting baptized by that crazy preacher, as he called him. The crazy preacher very wisely advised mother to go along with daddy’s wishes, but he informed her, ( I believe, through the gift of knowledge, given to him by God), with these words of Faith and encouragement, “I will be baptizing you and Ray together in these waters, very soon “! Wow, thank you God for men that are in tune with You and are not afraid to push a little harder to see souls born into the kingdom and lives truly transformed by Your Devine Power!!! Ok, forgive me I just had to take a little break for a glory spell there, as our sweet Bro. Ring would say!!
Now on with the story that Arden had told us. As Rev. McElroy a.k.a ( the crazy preacher) gathered the saints together at the water where we were standing that day, to baptize my eldest brother Rev. William Bustard. Arden told us to look over through the trees by the hill. As he pointed out the spot, he thought maybe was where my dad had hidden in the woods that day, to watch his boy go down in that beautiful name of Jesus! My dads life was touched in a great way from that moment on and he wasn't even aware that God had already slipped in and was drawing him by His Spirit. Arden said daddy’s words were…… “ there has to be something to this, cause Willie ain’t no fool!!!! “Ha ha …. No truer words were ever spoken. Needless to say, it wasn't long after, that the crazy pastor became my dad’s best friend and respected leader, as he took both mother and dad on a cold Wintery day and broke away the ice in the Bay Of Fundy and laid there sins to rest in the Sea of God’s forgetfulness never to be remembered again, as they were buried with Him in baptism, nevermore to be the same. What a beautiful story that was for me, and to be standing almost reliving, and envisioning the whole picture!
I think we need a few more crazy preachers today!!! And also more young men like my brother Willie, that realized he needed something more in his life than a life of alcohol and rough living. If he had not of stepped forward, and obeyed the drawing of God’s Spirit, then just maybe my dad never would have seen the light! Willie became a strong man in Faith, always looking and desiring greater things from God, I guess you could say that he too along with 4 more of my wonderful brothers all took on the title “crazy preacher” !!! I kind of like the sound of that!!! Thank you Bro. McElroy for setting such a great trend!


beth said...

Hi Faith

I enjoy reading your could write a mini series... in the life of Faith...
I have heard dad tell the story of his conversion, & about his dad...
Dad was a great man of faith... His walk was a walk of faith.
Even if he had to walk it alone, he would...but he didn't walk it alone..He was a great example...I am so blessed to be his daughter.. hopely I can carry on the legacy that he left...His one & only daughter Beth

Faithy's Thots said...

Thanks Beth!! for taking the time to read! I could write plenty about Willie and you just might see a few more !! Keep tuned !! lol this is just fun stuff for me!! Willie was very proud of his one and only daughter, keep making him smile !! :)

Accordian Lady said...

I enjoyed reading this so much. I respected and loved these men of God so much. I found it quite interesting and coincidental that our pastor mentioned Bro Willie in service just last night and some of his experiences through life and preaching. I think you should put some of these stories in book format for us! Great Job Faith!!

Faithy's Thots said...

you are so very welcome !! and I want to thank you for taking time out to read !! :)

SuzieK said...

Well hello! :o)

I never knew this story! Thanks for sharing!

J H Kennedy photography said...

I enjoyed reading this little piece of history!