As I sat with my bible this a.m. I came across a scripture that read "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. " 1Timothy4:12 Paul's words of encouragement to Timothy being he was such a young man to be a pastor! He was simply saying here that if you watch your talk, be kind, have a great spirit, and keep yourself pure you will be such a great example that people will respect you and look up to you!!Timothy must have been a wonderful young Apostolic man! 
It was here that I began to realize that I have an Apostolic Beauty in my very home that lives this scripture to the fullest everyday, one day I believe she will meet her Timothy and together they will do a great service for the Lord! She fits this scripture so well and is a true example to her peers and from her elders she is respected on the highest level! Her words are always kind and caring, a smile she has for anyone and everyone she meets, she is a giving kind hearted queen of charity, her heart is as pure as the driven snow,her spirit meek and gentle, her faith is strong and undenied in anyway! At times peer pressure has tried to hit hard against her modest dress but has never won out! Her desire and love for the modest attire is attacked daily by a world of ungodly fashion, but she chooses to please the One and Only True Love Of Her Life! Apostolic Beauties are quite rare to find these days, the world is creeping into our midst filling our beautiful ladies minds with the thought that modesty is just plain old fashioned, and that bearing the flesh is cool.There are many beauty pageants out there crowning beauty queens all over America, but I am here to say that I have one in our home whose beauty outshines any of the chosen ones that are wearing crowns today. Her beauty comes from within and without, we have given her the title Our Apostolic Beauty, she is proof that there are still some of them alive and active in this day and age that we live! Thank you T for being who you are and standing strong for what you believe in, even when it is not the most popular thing to do, on the job, with your peers and even in our church world! So continue wearing the title "Apostolic Beauty Queen"(even tho you are not aware of your given title! :) ) true to your character with grace and humility and continue letting His Spirit Shine through you!!!
Well folks I am back again with my faithful keyboard and glass of refreshing ice water to spill some thoughts that have taken possesion of my mind the past few months! It all started when my sis took her second bout of war with the dreaded "C", I really thought she was going to beat it again, ( well in the end she really did, but I will get to that), the past few months I would thank God that He allowed me the pleasure of having seven sisters to fight with, love, travel with and just to be a friend to! At any given time I could pick up the phone and get most any of them on the line and chat, tease, laugh and at times a full blown bible study would break out, and we would be speaking faith into each others lives, encourage one another in the Lord! Our circle of sisters recently got broken for awhile, yes, I said awhile because the circle will be connected fully one day in the sweet by and by! For now we will continue on as normal as possible until i decide to pick up the phone and dial the sis who snuck out on us a little too soon. Tears well up and try to spill out over the eyelids, I usually blink them away quickly so no one notices, it's then i turn my thoughts toward heaven and picture the sister that has now become an angel! I usually end up talking to God for awhile, I try not to question Him too much, but I can't help sneaking in a little tid bit of why my heart aches a little too much at times when I know she is with Him and is in the best place ever! Then He begins to speak to my heart, letting me know she is so very happy and alive, there is no more furrowed brow caused by pain, no lack of sleep, and no more medications that make her sick! He lets me know that the smile we were used to seeing on her lips is now permanent and will never fade! He talks to me and lets me know that one day when we are all reunited again it will be the family reunion that none of us will want to miss, no excuse will be good enough! After I have had my chat with Him and He has talked with me I end up feeling ok and dialing the phone to talk to  one of the other 7! I do wish that heaven had an open phone line tho, just for when sisters become angles....................

What can I say, the Lord must have thought I was pretty special to put such wonderful men in my life! Starting with a dad that was sold out to God, 11 wonderful brothers 5 of whom are great men of God, a wonderful Son that has been such a blessing to me, and a wonderful son in law that we love dearly  as well as 2 beautiful grand sons  we get to watch grow into great men!
.....but I met the best man of all back in 1977 in Saint John, New Brunswick. It all began one cold wintery night  we went on a sleigh ride with our church family! Our next real date alone, was at the Saint John museum, ( he hadn't been serving the Lord that long, and thought "where do you take an apostolic girl on a date") I think the museum was a great spot! He showed to me from that day on his respect and love for me! To take such thought into where and what to do on a first date showed me he had great integrity! He has been a loving husband and a great provider to our family through the years!His faith and love for God has proven stronger and stronger as time moved us on in life!  I remember one time while we were in bible school, we needed money for a bill, he prayed and the next week we recieved money from an anonymous source, he hadn't told me about the need or anyone else until after he recieved the blessing! We needed a car, and he had his eye on a little brown Vega, ( now that car alone has many funny stories, but that is another blog all together, lol )he really felt it would be a good car for us but we didn't have the money to purchase ( and it was believe me, smile)! Again we were in bible school, he once again never mentioned a word to anyone, wasn't long a friend from the school went to him and offered to lend him the very amount of money that was needed to get that car without ever asking for it! That car lasted us a long time, and Wayne always said it lasted us because God gave it to us! We have many stories of how God stepped in and made a way! A faithful man is hard to find, this man is faithful in all ways! He not only is a faithful husband to me, he has been and still is a faithful saint of God! He has the full respect of his children because of his great example as a Godly man, he knows the Word Of God because he has studied it, he is faithful in his relationship with Him! He is a best friend to our boy, he has shown him how to stand for God on a work site and proclaim the gospel there when the opportunity presents itself! Anytime they ever left a construction site most knew that he was a christian, what a wonderful example for a son!
Yes.... here we are 34 years later, his faith has not wavered, he is now a wonderful papa that loves his grand babies! Are good men hard to find? Yes, but when God gives you one it makes all the difference in the world.
Here I sit once again reminiscing over my childhood days! I was very blessed to have had parents that loved God with all their heart, soul, & mind! I have talked often of my godly mom and her great example she was to her children, but had not mentioned my dad too often! See I lost my dad when I was just 11 years old, so my time with him was very limited. Now that I have matured in years, I begin to think back and realize when he passed he had only been serving God for 10 years or so. That is not a terrbily long time, but to me I thought he had known God forever. He walked the walk daily and he talked the talk!! I giggle as I remember going into the little save easy with him there in the harbour and every one he came in contact with, he would offer a smile or a "how do you do" and often times a handshake! The employees would always welcome him with " how are you Mr.Bustard" to which he would often reply "Couldn't be better, Praise The Lord" he was known well for his walk with his Saviour! Daddy was never shy about it, he was so thankful for all the Lord had done for him. It didn't matter if it was the big shot of the village, aka. Mr Don McClain, his answer would stay the same, he wasn't one to leave his best friend aka "Jesus Christ" out of his conversations! He always had a testimony in his heart and on his lips, ready to glorify God at any given moment! As he laid in that dreadful sick bed, his body being destroyed by cancer, his faith in God never waivered once. He prayed daily for his kids and grandkids that they would submit their lives fully to His Master "Jesus Christ". I remember hearing him as a child praying from the little bedroom off of our tiny living room day in and day out, sometimes I would peek through the crack of the door and his weak frail arm would be lifted to the heavens! What an example of a consecrated heart that was and still is to me today! Although his body was slowly disintegrating his spirit kept getting Stronger! I am confident that he is with that One he would brag about daily. He used to sing "What a day that would be when my Jesus I shall see, When I look upon His face, the One who saved my by His grace,when He takes me by the hand leads me to the Promised land, O what a day Glorious day that will be." I am sure that when Jesus took him by the hand and led him into that promised land, daddy had the biggest grin on his face and without a doubt you would have heard him say " Thank You Jesus  for saving me and keeping me in Your Grace and also Lord thank you for healing my boy Morton!!" He testified about that any chance he got, of the miracle of saving himself from the pit of sin and healing my brother Morton after he had run over him with his big old Chevy! I am very blessed to have had Mr. Raymond Charles Bustard as my dad for 11 years of my life! I am where I am today because of parents that dedicated their lives to serving the One who gives us life, and He gives it more abundantly!! I am blessed.........

It is a peaceful morning, I hear the birds chirping announcing the arrival of Fall !! They have been very busy all Spring and Summer getting ready for the long Winter that is about to fold in on us! We are so blessed to partake of the beauty of each changing season. I know, I know sometimes we don’t’ have that same feeling when it is below zero temperatures and we are getting out in the cold and starting our cars on those cold brisk mornings!! When I look at the colourful foliage at this time of year , I tend not to think about the dreaded snow storms and blistery days that are to follow. I just stand and Wow at Gods artistry, and divine handy work!!! He created everything so perfect, and you know He even made man perfect !!! We were created in HIS own image!!! That I would say was meant to be perfect !! Needless to say man did not stay perfect, Someone came on the scene and messed that up for us !!! You know , that sneaky individual knew he was doomed himself and so he had to bring others with him !!! So now man has a choice, we either follow God in all His beauty or the deceiver in all his manipulating, conniving tactics!!!!! I myself prefer the former !!! He just continuously shows His perfection to us, by guiding our steps, preparing our path, and being there for us when we least expect it !!!! He is just so personal, He works on our behalf before we even ask Him to! When I am sad and maybe feel alone , he impresses on a friends heart to call , or show up for a visit!! He is so very awesome!!!
This reminds of me of a time when my mom was in the hospital after having a stroke! I was living in Ontario, and she was in Saint John New Brunswick! I felt very separated from her , and I would feel so very lonely at times! I would travel home for a quick visit as often as possible, it made me feel good just to be able to spend that little time with her , I , being the whiny kid of the family !! J Felt a little left out and jealous of my other siblings that got to spend everyday with her ! This one particular time on one of our visits just before she passed , my husband and I were getting ready to leave for our long trip back home and we were saying our goodbyes!!! I leaned over the bed to give her a kiss and tell her I loved her, but there was no response from her, her eyes just stared away blankly !!! Then My husband leaned in to do the same and when she heard his voice she smiled and looked at him, I couldn’t believe it! Of course my whiny selfish self felt very hurt in my heart, I tried not to let anyone notice!!! All I was thinking was about myself and how my mom doesn’t recognize me!! She has totally forgotten I existed!! I never voiced it to anyone, but that made my heart pain!!!! Did I say I did not tell anyone , I am sorry I was wrong , I did tell someone!! When I got home , I cried out to God and told Him just how alone and hurt I felt that mother did not acknowledge me !!! I told Him, I would have accepted it had she not acknowledge Wayne either !!! J O my goodness I didn’t realize what a cry baby I was. I poured my sobbing heart out to Him , I remember asking Him if He could just let my mom know that she has a daughter named Faith !!! JJ ( and now you are thinking , she has lost it completely ) J but it was just so important to me, that she hadn’t forgotten me !!!
Well let me tell you now, JUST how personal and wonderful God is , He cares about the little stuff , even if you are all laughing right now just reading this pitiful spoiled girls story !!! ( grinning)…..God may have smiled really big too, I don’t know !!! J But HE did it !!!! He really did!!!! Just 2 days later I was talking to my Sister Mildred on the phone , she told me mom said my name last night !!! She began to explain that one of mothers nurses asked her when she got to the hospital that day , if she had a sister named Faith !!!!! Mildred replied with” yes I do “, the nurse then explained about how she went to check on mom and mother looked at her and said “ Faith , you need to get some sleep !!!” That was all I needed, I hadn’t talked to any of my siblings or my husband about being upset over mom not recognizing me , everyone had enough to think about and I wasn’t about to look selfish and stupid !! I kept it to myself, and only shared with God!!! He really is that kind of a friend!!! Mom not only remembered me, she thought I was right there looking after her !!!! Now that is Gods sheer beauty !!!! Wow He amazes me and makes me feel so special, He makes me feel like # 1 instead of my biological # 17 !!!!! But don’t’ get me wrong though, 17 is still a great number , because it is mine and God gave it to me !!!But it sure feels good when He puts me #1 !!!! J

A hurting heart is never welcomed into our lives anymore than a nasty rat is welcomed into our homes. It is not something we go looking for, but it is something we try hard to get out. Ignoring it, and hoping it goes away is definitely not the answer. People hurt us, and at times it is very hard to forget even after we think we have forgiven. We also hurt others, whether we realize it or not, we do, sometimes not intentionally but all the same we are not perfect, so like it or lump it, we have all wronged another at one time or another. Taking stock of our own lives and owning wrongs that yourself unintentionally or intentionally may have partaken in against another is a huge part of healing. It is very good therapy also to list as many positive characteristics as you can think of about the person or persons that may have caused the hurt in you. This may take some time since you are at the same time still dealing with the negative of a situation that has caused you so much discomfort and pain. Another very effective source of therapy, is to talk about it. Talk to someone who is not going to add to an already negative situation, but to someone who can be very neutral and only will give advice to help you grow. Those people can be very few and far between so be choosy in whom you indulge all your personal thoughts and desires to. There is just one very special person that you can tell it all to, and it will never ever be repeated, twisted or misconstrued!! He is what some call “ a friend that stickath closer than a brother”. Some call Him “The lily of their valley”, Others say He is “ their Prince of Peace “, but I myself like to use His real name, not that the other titles are not fitting for Him , they are , they sure are. He surely is my truest Friend I have ever had and ever will have , oh my, He definitely is the very “LILY of my valley“, and He will always be my “Prince of Peace“, cause that is what He is all about!!! Did I mention He is also “My Bright and Morning Star“??!! Yep He is all that and more,…. He is “The Great I Am”,…. “The One Who Was and Is To Come”….He has more titles than anyone I have ever known, I have also heard Him called “Master”, “Creator” and oh yes, lets not forget “Miracle Worker”!!!! But I, I call Him JESUS, because when I speak His name, demons tremble, minds are set free, bodies are healed, and every hurt I have ever had has to Leave and in its place is Peace , Peace wonderful Peace that comes down from our Father above!!! it’s a little like calling the exterminator to get the nasty rats out of your house that are trying to take up permanent dwelling there. When the exterminator comes in he asks you to leave for awhile until he is done what he has to do to kill the varmints that are trying to destroy your home. God does the same thing, He says in Romans 12: 19- 21.…Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine , I will repay says the Lord” if the enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty, give him drink, for by doing so, you will heap burning coals as of fire on his head.” Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good. It seems crazy to the normal mind, but the answer is just to do good and love….. I thought it was cute, when a lady at my daughter in laws restaurant wanted to give my daughter a gift. So she handmade her this lovely quilted bag. It was very pretty and it had a basket overflowing with apples on the front of the bag! The lady began to explain, how she thought the basket of apples was so fitting for Larissa, she continued with “ I knew your religion was Apples of something “ ! Of course we smiled at that, realizing she had heard it mentioned that Larissa was Apostolic Pentecostal !!! The innocence of such a kind heart, left a lasting Impression, it reminds me of the scripture Proverbs 25:11... A word fitly spoken, is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. One of my mothers favourite scriptures. Like the lady said after all we are Apples & something a.k.a Apostolic!!

August 2, 2010 I took a stroll down memory lane along with a few of my siblings. Together we visited the resting place of my mom and dad, in the little village of Black’s Harbour, across from the little church that we had attended. A wonderful time was had by all, as we began to recall many beautiful memories about the conversion of our parents and older siblings. Arden led us to the spot where my mom and dad and eldest 2 brothers Vern and Willie were baptized in the Name Of Jesus!! While standing at the edge of the water, Arden conveyed to us a lovely story of how our dad was so fiercely against this so called Pentecostal experience. How he gave Rev. McElroy a very unwelcoming hard time every time he would call on our home. Mother was interested in learning more as was Willie, but daddy was not! Pastor McElroy was a persistent man and I am so glad he was. He never gave up on trying to win this family to God. Willie and mother had wanted to get baptized together , but daddy forbade mom from getting baptized by that crazy preacher, as he called him. The crazy preacher very wisely advised mother to go along with daddy’s wishes, but he informed her, ( I believe, through the gift of knowledge, given to him by God), with these words of Faith and encouragement, “I will be baptizing you and Ray together in these waters, very soon “! Wow, thank you God for men that are in tune with You and are not afraid to push a little harder to see souls born into the kingdom and lives truly transformed by Your Devine Power!!! Ok, forgive me I just had to take a little break for a glory spell there, as our sweet Bro. Ring would say!!
Now on with the story that Arden had told us. As Rev. McElroy a.k.a ( the crazy preacher) gathered the saints together at the water where we were standing that day, to baptize my eldest brother Rev. William Bustard. Arden told us to look over through the trees by the hill. As he pointed out the spot, he thought maybe was where my dad had hidden in the woods that day, to watch his boy go down in that beautiful name of Jesus! My dads life was touched in a great way from that moment on and he wasn't even aware that God had already slipped in and was drawing him by His Spirit. Arden said daddy’s words were…… “ there has to be something to this, cause Willie ain’t no fool!!!! “Ha ha …. No truer words were ever spoken. Needless to say, it wasn't long after, that the crazy pastor became my dad’s best friend and respected leader, as he took both mother and dad on a cold Wintery day and broke away the ice in the Bay Of Fundy and laid there sins to rest in the Sea of God’s forgetfulness never to be remembered again, as they were buried with Him in baptism, nevermore to be the same. What a beautiful story that was for me, and to be standing almost reliving, and envisioning the whole picture!
I think we need a few more crazy preachers today!!! And also more young men like my brother Willie, that realized he needed something more in his life than a life of alcohol and rough living. If he had not of stepped forward, and obeyed the drawing of God’s Spirit, then just maybe my dad never would have seen the light! Willie became a strong man in Faith, always looking and desiring greater things from God, I guess you could say that he too along with 4 more of my wonderful brothers all took on the title “crazy preacher” !!! I kind of like the sound of that!!! Thank you Bro. McElroy for setting such a great trend!