It is a peaceful morning, I hear the birds chirping announcing the arrival of Fall !! They have been very busy all Spring and Summer getting ready for the long Winter that is about to fold in on us! We are so blessed to partake of the beauty of each changing season. I know, I know sometimes we don’t’ have that same feeling when it is below zero temperatures and we are getting out in the cold and starting our cars on those cold brisk mornings!! When I look at the colourful foliage at this time of year , I tend not to think about the dreaded snow storms and blistery days that are to follow. I just stand and Wow at Gods artistry, and divine handy work!!! He created everything so perfect, and you know He even made man perfect !!! We were created in HIS own image!!! That I would say was meant to be perfect !! Needless to say man did not stay perfect, Someone came on the scene and messed that up for us !!! You know , that sneaky individual knew he was doomed himself and so he had to bring others with him !!! So now man has a choice, we either follow God in all His beauty or the deceiver in all his manipulating, conniving tactics!!!!! I myself prefer the former !!! He just continuously shows His perfection to us, by guiding our steps, preparing our path, and being there for us when we least expect it !!!! He is just so personal, He works on our behalf before we even ask Him to! When I am sad and maybe feel alone , he impresses on a friends heart to call , or show up for a visit!! He is so very awesome!!!
This reminds of me of a time when my mom was in the hospital after having a stroke! I was living in Ontario, and she was in Saint John New Brunswick! I felt very separated from her , and I would feel so very lonely at times! I would travel home for a quick visit as often as possible, it made me feel good just to be able to spend that little time with her , I , being the whiny kid of the family !! J Felt a little left out and jealous of my other siblings that got to spend everyday with her ! This one particular time on one of our visits just before she passed , my husband and I were getting ready to leave for our long trip back home and we were saying our goodbyes!!! I leaned over the bed to give her a kiss and tell her I loved her, but there was no response from her, her eyes just stared away blankly !!! Then My husband leaned in to do the same and when she heard his voice she smiled and looked at him, I couldn’t believe it! Of course my whiny selfish self felt very hurt in my heart, I tried not to let anyone notice!!! All I was thinking was about myself and how my mom doesn’t recognize me!! She has totally forgotten I existed!! I never voiced it to anyone, but that made my heart pain!!!! Did I say I did not tell anyone , I am sorry I was wrong , I did tell someone!! When I got home , I cried out to God and told Him just how alone and hurt I felt that mother did not acknowledge me !!! I told Him, I would have accepted it had she not acknowledge Wayne either !!! J O my goodness I didn’t realize what a cry baby I was. I poured my sobbing heart out to Him , I remember asking Him if He could just let my mom know that she has a daughter named Faith !!! JJ ( and now you are thinking , she has lost it completely ) J but it was just so important to me, that she hadn’t forgotten me !!!
Well let me tell you now, JUST how personal and wonderful God is , He cares about the little stuff , even if you are all laughing right now just reading this pitiful spoiled girls story !!! ( grinning)…..God may have smiled really big too, I don’t know !!! J But HE did it !!!! He really did!!!! Just 2 days later I was talking to my Sister Mildred on the phone , she told me mom said my name last night !!! She began to explain that one of mothers nurses asked her when she got to the hospital that day , if she had a sister named Faith !!!!! Mildred replied with” yes I do “, the nurse then explained about how she went to check on mom and mother looked at her and said “ Faith , you need to get some sleep !!!” That was all I needed, I hadn’t talked to any of my siblings or my husband about being upset over mom not recognizing me , everyone had enough to think about and I wasn’t about to look selfish and stupid !! I kept it to myself, and only shared with God!!! He really is that kind of a friend!!! Mom not only remembered me, she thought I was right there looking after her !!!! Now that is Gods sheer beauty !!!! Wow He amazes me and makes me feel so special, He makes me feel like # 1 instead of my biological # 17 !!!!! But don’t’ get me wrong though, 17 is still a great number , because it is mine and God gave it to me !!!But it sure feels good when He puts me #1 !!!! J